Successfully navigating governmental affairs strategies and negotiating complex business, environmental and regulatory agreements.

Today’s complicated and ever-changing environment challenges both businesses and governments to explore new ways of working together to solve problems.  Disputes over natural resources, business development, trade, the environment, water, land use, transportation, energy, and housing are a reality. The problems are diverse and difficult, often involving multiple issues, differing cultures, parties, and disciplines.  At the heart of many of these disputes is the question of where private interests end and government or public interests begin. Finding solutions to such issues is the specialty of Thompson Consulting Group (TCG).

TCG is one of the premier mediation and government affairs firms in the Northwest.  In numerous instances TCG has been brought in to facilitate, mediate, and or provide strategic advice on some of the biggest challenges facing the Western U.S.  During his time with Congressman Dicks Tim led the staff effort in both Washington DC and in the local community on the historic Puyallup Land Claims Settlement.  After leaving the Office of Congressman Dicks, Tim led an effort on behalf of the non-Indian parties to successfully implement the settlement.  Later he was retained by the Port of Tacoma to negotiate the movement of the Tribal Casino from the Blair Waterway to its current location on Interstate 5 to accommodate the Evergreen expansion in the Port of Tacoma.  This agreement required a limited modification to the Land Claims Settlement and designating the I-5 Casino property U.S. Tribal Trust land through Federal legislation.  They have worked with the Tulalip, Upper Skagit and Lummi Tribes to negotiate successful Hatchery Genetic Management Plans that are vital to their fishery.

TCG has been responsible for numerous strategic efforts that have led to agreements that have resolved major problems around the Western U.S.  Fights over Washington State forestry practices were legendary until TCG led an effort to negotiate a solution that resulted in the Washington Statewide Forest and Fish Agreement. They led the initial effort to negotiate the cleanup of the Centralia Coal Facility and most recently established a first of its kind Community Coalition to build the multi-billion dollar SR-167 project and pass a State wide gas tax to pay for it. In short, TCG has worked with diverse groups to achieve tangible solutions to problems that at times seemed irreconcilable.  Their negotiated agreements in the areas of trade, land use, water, air quality, and economic development have led to stable long-term solutions that have withstood the test of time.  

TCG has worked on a host of issues including national transportation, trade, energy policy, housing, defense and environmental matters.  Some of the firm’s current work in the Pacific Northwest are major projects that included the multi-billion dollar Hanford clean-up effort in the Tri-Cities, the billion dollar Point Ruston development on the former ASARCO Superfund site in Tacoma, as well as several others.

Thompson Consulting Group built their reputation on finding innovative solutions to the complex and contentious problems facing the firm’s public and private clients.  Members of Thompson Consulting Group (TCG) are proven strategists and government affairs experts with broad experience in both the private and public sectors.  Members have led Congressional Offices, been policy advisors to Governors, managed large public agencies, initiated and passed legislation (state and federal), negotiated international agreements, developed successful public/private partnerships, and managed an effective practice.  Their diverse experiences equate to an understanding of public policy, business, government, and regulatory issues and most importantly an awareness of how these diverse fields interact with one another.  It is through such an understanding that solutions can be found to the difficult and complex problems that confront private and public parties.  Solving complex problems is the specialty of TCG.